~Nine names to be added to the Commonwealth Public Safety Memorial November 6th~
RICHMOND – The Virginia Public Safety Foundation will Rededicate the Commonwealth Public Safety Memorial. Since the Dedication December 6th, 2015, nine Virginians have been certified by the State of Virginia as having given their lives in the Line of Duty. Their names have been inscribed on the Commonwealth Public Safety Memorial:
Deputy Bryan Berger, Spotsylvania Sheriff's Department
James Dempsey, Ashland Fire Department
Deputy Percy House, Greenville Sheriff's Department
Detective Garland Joyner, Portsmouth Police Department
Anthony Parker, Upper Caroline Volunteer Fire Department
Lieutenant Charles Reintz, Richmond Fire and EMS
Joshua Smith, LaCrosse Volunteer Fire Department
Trooper Nathan-Michael Smith, Virginia State Police
Michael Viggiano, Manassas Park Fire Department
The Foundation will plan and execute a private ceremony, officiated by His Excellency Governor Terence R. McAuliffe, to honor the great sacrifice of those who gave the very fullest measure in their commitment to the safety of the Commonwealth.