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Virginia Public Safety Foundation announces Commonwealth Public Safety Memorial Dedication December

VPSF Admin

~Issues call for survivors of 870 public safety officers honored there~

RICHMOND –Virginia Public Safety Foundation (VPSF) announced today that the Commonwealth Public Safety Memorial will be dedicated on Saturday, December 6, 2014, 1 p.m., at the memorial site at Capitol Square in Richmond. It will mark the culmination of a decade-long campaign to build Virginia’s monument to public safety officers who have died in the line of duty. In advance of the milestone event, VPSF is searching for survivors—family members—of the 870 men and women who have died in the line of duty and will be honored with their engraved name at the memorial.

“We have undertaken extensive research, in partnership with local and state agencies, to contact the families of our fallen first responders,” said VPSF President Paula Miller, “but we know that in every Virginia community there are survivors who may not have even heard about the memorial effort or realize that their loved one will be honored.”

Of the 870 public safety officers who have died in the line of duty, VPSF has identified survivors for approximately 500, meaning nearly 400 families may not know that their loved one’s name will be engraved on the memorial.

Anyone can download the complete roster of names on-line at, to see if their loved one—or someone they know—will be honored at the Commonwealth Public Safety Memorial.

Survivors can contact VPSF in several ways:


Phone: 804-648-6299 x1004

Also at is information on memorial dedication events, including how to RSVP to attend.

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